eLabProtocols has a Mobile App for both Android and iOS that can be downloaded from the Google Play store and Apple App store. The Mobile App is an extension of the web application and offers functionality to use your mobile device in the lab. When you switch groups in eLabProtocols the Mobile App will switch to the currently active group after refreshing your mobile app. The Mobile App supports the following features:

  • Activity - recent activity in the Mobile App including scanned items
  • Scan barcode - scan a 2D barcode of a sample or device to view relevant sample information, book devices and perform sample actions.

  • Procedures - view personal, group-shared and public procedures
  • Notes - take notes and sync them to the notebook in the web app from where they can be added to an experiment.
  • Syncing Images – take photos and sync them to the web app dashboard from where they can be added to an experiment.
  • Two-step Verification – generate 2-step verification codes to secure the login in the web application.
  • Settings - change your settings for the Mobile App