API Docs for: 1.0.0

eLabSDK.API.Call Class

Extends eLabSDK.Base
Module: eLabSDK

Builder class that builds an XMLHttpRequest call from various API parameters and executes it.



  • baseURL
  • version
  • method
  • responseType
  • token
  • path
  • pathParams
  • queryParams
  • page
  • records
  • expand
  • sort
  • onSuccess
  • onError
  • onProgress


  • baseURL String
    • The base URL of the eLAB server. Defaults to '/api'. You can do a CORS request to another eLAB by setting it to e.g. 'https://my-elab-server.com/api'.
  • version String
    • The major version string of the API call. Default 'v1'.
  • method String
    • The HTTP Method of the call: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. Default 'GET'.
  • responseType String
    • The response type that you receive in the onsuccess event: json, text, blob or arraybuffer. Default: 'json'. For file downloads set it to 'blob' or 'arraybuffer'. If you set it to 'text' then the response won't be parsed as JSON; you'll receive a plain string.
  • token String
    • The API token to use for authorization. Note that this is not required if the user is currently logged in on eLABJournal.
  • path String
    • The relative path (a.k.a. route) of the API call without 'api/v1/' in front of it. It may contain parameter templates which will be filled in using pathParams. Example: 'samples/{sampleID}', with the sampleID defined in pathParams.
  • pathParams Object
    • If the path has parameter templates then you must define them here. Example: { sampleID: 123 }.
  • queryParams Object
    • Any key/value pair defined here will be added as query parameters. Example: { search: 'MFP' } will add ?search='MFP' to the call. The keys and values will be URI encoded by the builder.
  • page Int
    • Adds $page=... to the call for a paged request.
  • records Int
    • Adds $records=... to the call for a paged request.
  • expand String/array
    • Adds $expand=... to the call. This can either be a single string or a string array which will be built as a comma-separated list. The values will be URI encoded by the builder.
  • sort String/object/array
    • Adds $sort=... to the call. This can be a single string, an array of strings or an object/array of objects with 'field' and 'direction' keys. Example: { field: 'name', direction: 'desc' }. The values will be URI encoded by the builder.
  • onSuccess Function
    • Parameters: xhr, status, response. Called when the call resulted in a status 200, 201 or 204. In case of a 200 the response parameter contains the response body in the format that was specified by responseType. Otherwise it will be undefined.
  • onError Function
    • Parameters: xhr, status, response. Called when an error occurs, either a network error (status=0) or the call returned a status that indicates an error. In the latter case, response may contain a JSON object with an error message.
  • onProgress Function
    • Parameters: progressEvent. Called only when you upload a binary (blob or arraybuffer) in the execute function. progressEvent is the event object from XMLHttpRequest.


new eLabSDK.API.Call({
    method: 'GET',
    path: 'storageLayers/{storageLayerID}/reservations',
    pathParams: {
        storageLayerID: 123
    queryParams: {
        from: '2018-02-08T09:00:00Z'
    page: 0,
    records: 20,
    sort: {
        field: 'name',
        direction: 'desc'
    onSuccess: function (xhr, status, response) {
    onError: function (xhr, status, response) {
        if (response) {
new eLabSDK.API.Call({
    path: 'samples/{sampleID}',
    pathParams: {
        sampleID: 123
    expand: ['location', 'meta', 'quantity'],
    onSuccess: function (xhr, status, response) {
new eLabSDK.API.Call({
    method: 'POST',
    path: 'samples',
    onSuccess: function (xhr, status, response) {
        // response is an integer indicating the new sample's ID.
        var newSampleID = response;
    sampleTypeID: 123,
    name: 'My sample'
new eLabSDK.API.Call({
    method: 'GET',
    path: 'noteImages/{noteImageID}',
    pathParams: {
        noteImageID: 123
    responseType: 'blob',
    onSuccess: function (xhr, status, response) {
         // response is a blob containing the image.
         var img = document.createElement('img');
         img.onload = function (e) {
             window.URL.revokeObjectURL(img.src); // Clean up after yourself.
         img.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(response);
new eLabSDK.API.Call({
    method: 'POST',
    path: 'noteImages',
    queryParams: {
        fileName: 'My image.jpg'
    onSuccess: function (xhr, status, response) {
        var newNoteImageID = response;
    onProgress: function (e) {
        if (e.lengthComputable) {
            var progress = (e.loaded / e.total) * 100;
}).execute(file); // where file is a Blob or File with the image data.

Item Index




  • body

Builds and executes the API call.


  • body Object/Blob/ArrayBuffer
    • The body of the request. It can either be an object which is serialized as JSON, or a Blob or ArrayBuffer which is uploaded as a file. The Content-Type is automatically determined.



The XHR object which was used to execute the call.